Tours in San Pedro de Atacama

San Pedro de Atacama
San Pedro de Atacama, "The most arid desert in the world", is located 1,670 kms. north of Santiago. To get to San Pedro, you have to get to Calama, the nearest city, linked to San Pedro by an excellent paved road and an imposing desert landscape, in the Province of El Loa in the II Region of Atacama, located 2,436 meters above sea level.
How to get to San Pedro de Atacama?
Travel to Santiago de Chile on an international flight, and connect with a flight to Calama that takes 2 1/2 hours. Ideally, your connecting time should be at least 3 hours.
What is the weather like in San Pedro de Atacama?
In San Pedro de Atacama, the weather is magnificent all year round, with more than 90% of days of sunshine. In winter (June, July and August), the average temperature during the day ranges from 9ºC to 24ºC. In the summer (January, February and March), the weather is hotter, with average daytime temperatures fluctuating between 13ºC and 25ºC, reaching maximums of 32ºC. Between January and March, there is a phenomenon called altiplanic winter that brings occasional rains.
Make sure to visit the most arid desert in the world in San Pedro de Atacama.